Hi everybody, this is my 1st tutorial... Sometimes someone doesn't confident about they teeth color. the teeth look little dirty on the photo. and now in this tutorial i want to show you the basic tutorial on Photoshop, how to create white teeth effect.

Classification : Basic Tutorial (Easy) | Time process : 5 minutes

Step 1 how to create white teeth effect 

Open your image.

Step 2 how to create white teeth effect

Select "dodge tool" from the photoshop toolbar.


Step 3 how to create white teeth effect

 Select  "Midtones"

Step 4 how to create white teeth effect

Right-click on the image, and choose soft round. in this picture i adjust the size at 35 px, but you can adjust it up to you.

Step 5 how to create white teeth effect

now wipe the teeth with that tool, makesure you do it to all teeth. 


Final result

so easy :) the teeth look more white and clean.

I hope you like it. Thank you and sorry for my bad english :) 

FYI: i use photoshop CS6, you can do it in all version of photoshop :)


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